Saturday 27 April 2024

The Longest Journey - E.M. Forster

"I never was attached to that great sect
Whose doctrine is, that each one should select
Out of the crowd a mistress or a friend,
And all the rest, though fair and wise, commend
To cold oblivion, though it is in the code
Of modern morals, and the beaten road
Which those poor souls with weary footsteps tread,
Who travel to their home among the dead
By the broad highway of the world, and so
With one chained friend, perhaps a jealous foe,
The dreariest and longest journey go."
                                        ( Shelly)

The last of Forster's novels I had to read, his second, and supposedly his personal favourite 'of his children', was read as a mix of an audiobook, and a kindle copy. Why a mix ? Because the book has a fair share of philosophy, and also subtle incidents which make a second reading that much more clearer (e.g. Agnes seeing Gerald through someone else ). The novel is a Bildungsroman - meaning a literary genre  that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood - and in that sense quite a success, although it is relatively a challenging read compared to his other fiction.

While Rickie is termed a failure, easily coerced , and manipulated, he ends his life having made the longest journey. His one achievement brings his own end, and yet his work which didn't receive recognition in his time, does so posthumously. Fate of man is cruel, as he trudges along making mistake after mistake, on a journey of self discovery. Compared to Rickie, the other characters of this book are more sure of themselves - Agnes, who is shown as a disaster for a man to marry, unless its someone like Gerald or Stephen - Stewart, who amidst his own failure to prove himself as an intellectual, hangs on to his beliefs, and is shown as the redeemer of Rickie - or even the appalling Emily, for whom other people are discardable for her amusement. In a sense all these people, more strong willed than Rickie, are married to a doctrine of their choice, for better and worse. If analysed properly, for worse, most likely. One could say that possibly the last few months of Rickie were the happiest, as even his manipulative aunt can't coerce him in the end.

The book could receive criticism if published today, given how the main female characters are build, and the words used to describe them - the words "keep her in line" is likely to draw a lot of flak today

In summary, it was an excellent book, and it is easy to see why Forster considered this his favourite. I, for myself wouldn't rush to rate it as my favourite, but I have no hesitation in ranking this alongside his other work, that are more popular. 

Rating: ****1/2
First published in 1907

Tuesday 16 April 2024

ඩුඕ - සුරත් ද මැල්

 ඩුඕ වනාහි සුරත් ලියා ඇති තෙවෙනි නවකතාව මෙන්ම මා මෙතෙක් කියවූ ඔහුගේ තෙවෙනි නවකතාවයි. මෙම නවකතාවේ වෙසෙසින් කාන්තාවන් තමන්ගේ කැමැත්ත පරිදි තෝරාගැනීම්, ජීවත් වීම්, සහ ඊට ඇති අයිතියත්, ඊට සාම්ප්‍රදායික සමාජයෙන් ඇති බාධාවන් පිළිබඳවත් අප කතුවරයා තම අවදානය යොමු කර ඇත. ඒ සඳහා ආසන්න පරම්පරා දෙකක බැලු බැල්මට අසම්බන්ධ කාන්තා චරිත දෙකක් , සමාජ-දේශපාලන පසුබිම් දෙකක් ආශ්‍රයෙන් භාවිතා කොට ඇත. සුරත් ගේ සූර ලිවීමේ ශෛලියෙන් මුල් පිටුවේ සිට ම පාඨකයා රඳවා ගැනීමේ හැකියාව ඔහු නැවත වරක් ප්‍රදර්ශනය කොට ඇත.

ඉහත සියල්ල නවකතාවේ ධනාත්මක පක්ෂයය. ඇත්තෙන්ම නවකතාවේ මධ්‍යය ලක්ෂය පසුකරන තෙක් ම  පාහේ නවකතාව රසවත්ව. ඉන් පසුව ලේඛකයා, පාඨකයාව තව දුරටත් රඳවා ගැනීමට වෑයම් දරන්නාක් සේය. පිටු 312ක් පුරා කියනා කතාව, 240කින් පමණ කීමට හැකි දෝයි පාඨකයාට හැඟවෙන සුළුය. චේතන් භගාත් ගේ එකදු නවකතාවක්වත් කියවා නොතිබුනත් ( ඔහුගේ නවකතා තුනක් මා සතුය ), 3 Idiots චිත්‍රපටිය සම්පූර්ණයෙන් ම පාහේ නරඹා ඇති හෙයින් ඉන් හෝ ( එහි නවකතාවෙන් හෝ ?) යම් ආභාෂයක් ලබා ඇත්දැයි සිතෙන සුළුය. අවසන් පරිච්ඡේදයේ මෙතෙක් තිබූ අසම්බන්ධතා සම්බන්ධකිරීම් තරමක් හදිසිය. මාවෝ හමුවන්නේ අවිශ්වාසනීය ලෙසටය. ජනප්‍රිය හිංදි චිත්‍රපටියක් නිර්මාණයට සුදුසු කතා වස්තුවක් රැගත් ය. එවන් චිත්‍රපටියක් සාර්ථක වීමේ විභවයක් ද පවති. එහෙත් නවකතාවක් ලෙස එය අන්තිම 40% පමණ තරමක් ආයාසකාරි දිග හැරීමක්‍ය -වෙසෙසින් සාරා ගේ කතාව කෘතීම ලෙස දිග්ගස්සා ඇති බව පාඨකයාට සිතෙන සුළුය. 

අවසන කිමට ඇත්තේ, කතුවරයාගේ තවමත් මාස්ටර්පිස් එක 'තී හා තා' බවය. සමහරවිට ඔහු ට එහි එන චරිත වඩා ආසන්න නිසා වඩා සාර්ථකව සහ ස්වභාවිකව ගොඩනැඟීමට අවකාශ තිබෙන්න ට ඇත. මෙය යම් තරමකින් රසවිඳිය හැකි ජනප්‍රිය ප්‍රබන්ධයකි බව සත්‍යයකි. එනමුදු, එක්තරා සම්මානයක අවසන් වටයට තේරීම මගින්, 2022 වසරේ ප්‍රකාශ වූ නවකතා වල සාර්ථකත්වය ගැනද පාඨකයාට සැක පහළ කරවන සුළුය.

ශ්‍රේණිය: ***
ස්වර්ණ පුස්තක සම්මාන 2022 - අවසන් වටයට නිර්දේශිත
ගොඩගේ සම්මාන 2022 - හොඳම නවකතාවට නිර්දේශිත
2022 ප්‍රකාශ වූ නවකතා කියවීම - 02

Prophet Song - Paul Lynch

 "and it is grief that seizes hold of her when she sees her children abandoned, seeing how she was told and did not listen, it was your duty to deliver them from danger but instead you stood your ground, such foolishness and blindness before the facts, you should have got them out, hearing the words her father gave in warning again and again, to leave the country and make a better life, seeing the missed opportunities grow before her and how they could have escaped, all of it dust, all of it a nothingness in a false past and she sees herself in a hole in the earth"

I have read a few Dystopian novels -  not a lot. But never has a book scared my living wits as this one. Probably because of its gradual progress to horror. From a polite visit by two detectives to talk to the teacher/ unionist father/husband, to where children are taken from hospital without the knowledge of their parents, the impression that is conveyed to the reader is that 'living hell' is not too far away. As things grew worse for the citizens they are left without any responses from the state and its mechanisms, while life gets difficult with each day. It is like creeping death. And creeping death can catch you if you happen to be born at the wrong time at the wrong country.

“and the prophet sings not of the end of the world but of what has been done and what will be done and what is being done to some but not others, that the world is always ending over and over again in one place but not another and that the end of the world is always a local event, it comes to your country and visits your town and knocks on the door of your house and becomes to others but some distant warning, a brief report on the news, an echo of events that has passed into folklore,”

As a novel it wastes little time in fleshing up its key characters - for instance we don't know Larry's past, or Eilish', or about into their personal lives (there's a passing reference to getting a new mattress upstairs and the subsequent fun they had, early into their marriage ) - what am trying to say is the novel has the detail of everyday mundane life of a family with children, how they sense a threat to it, they await till is passes, and all of a sudden its too late, and there's only regret. And then the characters realize that that the mundane were the happiest times of their lives.

Not sure how much its contemporary political message played in the big awards it managed to grab, but for its credit the book never gave a sense of being contrived, and as mentioned above, the reader too hopes that the threat will go away - until it doesn't - and its too late.

A most excellently crafted, ghastly work ! The near perfect horror that the author brings is the success of this novel

Rating : ****1/2
Booker Award for 2023 - Winner