Saturday 31 October 2020

Christopher Robin- (d) Mark Foster (2018)

 The post world war II situation and his job must be really bad, for Christopher Robin to turn up like that, huh ? Not withstanding years of field days as a kid, with a rum set of toys, a beautiful wife and a daughter, Chris has really let the outside world get him down. Maybe it is with the intention of stressing the overall message of the movie - no, in fact I am sure it was. While quite willing not to notice the stitch marks that make up a movie like this - apparently for kids - and their parents too ( they got that part right), stressed, bad parent, Christopher was the most obvious thing about the movie.

Highlight - the usually down Eeyore's sarcasm mingled wit.
"Sure, Sacrifice the Donkey", for instance could match Winslow's point of view, more so than Eeyore's.

Loved: My seven year old, spilling the next scene unable to help himself - before claiming that he will not let on, on the story. "Boring School" has really registered with him, given that he started talking about boring school when Christopher was preparing to go to Boarding school, itself. ( He just watching it for the 34th time - 35th, you say? Ok, 35th time.)

All in all can't say that I didn't enjoy the outing, despite the drab greyness that carried the movie. The one happy scene of the family together stood up so much in contrast, that it was the movie's moment of sunshine.

Maybe am reading too much into the movie.

Rating: ***

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